Ed Bell Provides Last-Minute Actionable Advice for Filing Camp Lejeune Claims on Time | August 2024

By Susan Barfield
August 6, 2024

Susan Barfield (00:05): Hello everyone. Welcome to another episode of the Leverage report. Really excited to be joined again with Ed Bell talking all things Camp Lejeune, especially since Ed, we’re down to the 11th hour of the deadline. I appreciate to you taking a few minutes to connect with me today.

Ed Bell (00:21): Glad to be here, Susan.

Susan Barfield (00:22):

Well, Ed, I know we connected. It’s been about a month or so ago talking about Camp Lejeune and now that we’re nearing the deadline, just wanted to reconnect and see if there was any updates or changes or anything that plaintiff attorneys need to be aware about.

Ed Bell (00:36): Well, the deadline is here and they need to make sure their cases are filed. We’re getting a hoard of calls from people that don’t understand how to file a case or things like that. We’re trying to help walk people through it to give them some help. So if you have any problems, call us. Secondly, if your system, your office system doesn’t allow you to attach to the portal without some help, you can still file your cases in paper file. So that’s something that can be done. Actually, the statute only requires, you can actually send a letter and that’s all that’s required. So you can send a letter. There are five things that are required to be in that notice. Once you’ve done that, I would certainly, of course, send it FedEx or something. So you’d get a receipt for where that they got it, but time is not helpful right now. You better get going.

Susan Barfield (01:29):

Well, speaking of that, ed, I’ve had people ask me, is the deadline the ninth or the 10th? So can you set it straight and tell us what day is the deadline?

Ed Bell (01:37):

Well, if I were writing a law review article, I would say that it clearly is the ninth because the anniversary of something that happens is usually the first day of the next year. So the ninth is technically the deadline, but even the government made its mistake and they put out a notice that the 10th was the deadline. So if I were, I don’t think anyone could get in trouble if they use the 10th, but I would certainly be cautious and try to use the ninth.

Susan Barfield (02:02):

And Anna, the majority of our audience and our listeners are mass toward or personal injury attorneys, but there’s some plaintiffs out there that potentially are listening any feedback for them as it relates to any injuries, if they’ve had any recent diagnosis. Can you talk a little bit about that?

Ed Bell (02:18):

Sure. The statute is very clear. You had to have had your illness, if you will, prior to the passage of the act, August of 2022. But if you get diagnosed after that date and you can show that you’ve had that cancer, let’s say for four or five years, then you would qualify to file your claim at a later date. So that’s the small group of people that would affect, but generally, most people need to file their claim before August 9th or 10th.

Susan Barfield (02:51):

Okay. Any other tidbits or, you mentioned that you’ve gotten a lot of calls. What do you think the high level, the top, why people are reaching out to you?

Ed Bell (03:01):

A lot of people have the procrastination syndrome and they wait till the last minute and then they realize it may be a little more difficult or more problematic. For a lot of us. Like me, I’m not as technologically oriented as some, our office is very much up to speed, but I’m not the one to answer those technical questions. But I think I’ve heard of a couple of firms that have large case dockets that have waited till the last minute and they’re scurrying to get it done. But generally, I think it’ll log it done in time, and I think it’d be fine. The government has had a lot of problems with their portal. It has not been a success at all. And so we help the government start off with some of the testing and they’ve been able to conform our system, and so we are able to work the portal real easily. But those people who don’t have the in-house capability of writing software and actually fixing the portal from our end, they’re having trouble. They can’t verify whether a claim has been filed, things like that. So it hasn’t been a smooth transition from the old way of filing the claim by the mail into this electronic party.

Susan Barfield (04:10): Well, Ed, again, I really appreciate you taking the time. Is there anything else, any other updates or insights or tidbits or feedback that you would give either attorneys or plaintiffs? I know you’ve been gracious and said if you have any problems to give your team a call, we’re

Ed Bell (04:25): Glad to help. Anybody that needs to give a little encouragement or anything or needs some advice, please give us a ring. Glad to do it.

Susan Barfield (04:31): Okay, fantastic. Thanks, Ed. I really appreciate it. Thank

Ed Bell (04:34): You. Bye-Bye

Susan Barfield (04:35): Bye.

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