Johnson & Johnson Talc Powder Lawsuit

Talc ovarian cancer litigation involves thousands of claims filed by women who say talcum powder products made by Johnson & Johnson, J&J, caused them to develop ovarian cancer. According to the lawsuits, talc manufacturers knew or should have known about the risk yet failed to warn the public. Some of the lawsuits say talcum powder contaminated with asbestos, a known carcinogen, is to blame.
Women with ovarian cancer who used Johnson’s Baby Powder and Shower-to-Shower products continue filing talc ovarian cancer lawsuits in state courts and in federal multidistrict litigation in New Jersey. The talcum powder litigation has been going on for several years. So far, plaintiffs who filed cases in state courts have won billions in verdicts, and the defense has appealed a few of them. The defense has also won a few cases.
In October 2021, J&J dumped all its debt and liability into a company called LTL Management LLC. LTL immediately filed for bankruptcy and the bankruptcy judge has temporarily halted talcum powder litigation until early 2022.
This page provides a Johnson & Johnson talcum powder litigation update along with some major litigation milestones.
J&J Failed to Overturn $2 Billion Missouri Verdict
Johnson & Johnson appealed to the Supreme Court to overturn a $2 billion award that was already reduced from $4.7 billion. Still denying any wrongdoing, Johnson & Johnson argued that it removed talc products from shelves because of “fueled by misinformation around the safety of the product and a constant barrage of litigation and advertising.”
Ken Starr, who represented the plaintiffs (respondents in the Supreme Court), argued that Johnson & Johnson knew that their talc powders contained asbestos for decades. He also argued that the company’s scientists suggested using cornstarch in 1973, but the company was unwilling to use it because talc was cheaper.
Johnson & Johnson’s attorney argued that health organizations and federal regulators rejected the warnings on talc. He also cited studies that concluded that talc was not associated with ovarian cancer in those who used the product.
The Supreme Court refused to hear J&J’s appeal and the verdict was upheld.
Connection Between Talc and Ovarian Cancer
Studies have found that women who use talcum powder on a regular basis have about a 30% higher chance of developing ovarian cancer. If doctors find ovarian cancer early enough, the five-year survival is 93%. However, because ovarian cancer does not have a screen test, doctors rarely catch it early enough. If the cancer metastasizes, the survival chances drop to 30%.
Of the 21,000 women estimated to receive a new ovarian cancer diagnosis, nearly 14,000 will die because of it. With regular use of talcum powder, the chance of developing ovarian cancer increases. The International Agency for Research on Cancer stated that, “there is an unusually consistent increased chance of developing ovarian cancer among women who reported using talcum powder in the genital area.”
Additionally, researchers looking at the association between talcum powder use and cancer found that those who used talcum powder and have ovarian cancer typically have one type of epithelial ovarian cancer – serous carcinoma.
When talc is mined, it has impurities that must be calcined before it is safe for humans to use. One of the naturally occurring impurities is sometimes asbestos. If the calcining process does not remove all of the asbestos, it finds its way into talcum powder products. In addition to ovarian cancer, asbestos-contaminated talc has been linked to mesothelioma.
How Case Works Can Help
Prepare Claims for Settlement
If your firm needs help getting claims prepared for settlement, click the button below to get in touch. The Case Works Talcum Powder Team is specially trained to work with cancer victims and their families to maximize the value of their claims. As a seamless extension of your firm, our Talcum Powder Team will ensure your clients receive exceptional service and the care they deserve. We can help your firm get claims proven and ready to settle.